Well, here I am a long time since my last blog. So much has gone on that I probably won't cover it all. I am just proud of myself for actually sitting down and blogging today. I have gotten really bad about this whole blog thing, but I really think I am going to block some time on my calendar atleast once a week to blog. We will see how that goes.
Since I last blogged a lot has happened. I have found out that a lot of people around us are now expecting babies within the next year. And I do mean a lot. I can think of 5 that I know and if I waited five seconds to think, I might come up with a couple more. I am not going to say who they are, because I think that is their business not mine. I am excited about all of them though!!! :)
I completed all of my coursework for school and took my comprehensive exam. It was horrible, although I am still holding out hope for a "Pass". I definitely do not want a "Fail" and I really don't want a "Rewrite". It was bad enough writing it the first time. I guess if it came down to a rewrite or fail, I would rather rewrite it, but I am hoping for the pass. I still have another week or two before I find out how I did, and it is killing me. I don't like waiting to find out how I did on stuff. I always want to know now!!! I will let everyone know when I find out.
We decided that we were going to get a pool this summer, so assuming I get all of the permits, sand, HOA approvals, and all of the other 10 million things done it will be up in two weeks. I am already almost ready to not get the pool, but I really want it, so we will have one.
Work is pretty busy, and it is calling me away for now. I will try to catch up some more soon, It has been too long...
NOAH Jaguars Basketball 2025
5 days ago
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