I was just realizing that it has been over 20 days since the last time that I blogged. It might seem like nothing is going on in my life, but really there is stuff. I am just too lazy to blog all the time. Really, I am too busy playing pointless games on Facebook. So, this blog is going to be a catch up on what has been going on. I know that I have previously promised pictures, and I will try to get to that sometime. I just have to make myself a list and get it done.
So, I believe that I mentioned that I accepted the preaching position at Mission church of Christ. It has been a great experience and I really love being able to share my knowledge and understanding of the Bible with others. It is really hard to gauge how well people like my preaching, because no one walks up and tells the preacher, "That was a horrible lesson this morning. Why don't you get a new job and quit preaching." No, everyone always says, "That was a great lesson. It was just what we needed." I think the worst part of preaching is being able to see the faces of the people in the audience. It doesn't bother me to know that they are looking at me, but I wish I could read their minds. Sometimes I think they are wondering if I am going to finish my lesson anytime soon. I also think they are wondering what the point is. I think these are just my self conscience side working on me, but I will never know. I have really enjoyed getting into the scriptures and bringing out the true meaning in context with what was going on in the first century and how it still applies to us today.
My parents are in town visiting. They spent the last week staying with my sister and her husband. They are staying with us this week and traveling to Florida with us on Friday for a week at the beach. It is nice to have them visit. The kids really love seeing them. They brought two of my nieces and one of my nephews with them for a few days last week. That was not as pleasant of an experience. Don't get me wrong, I love my nephews and nieces, but some of them are starved for attention. I have enough trouble making sure my kids feel like they are getting enough attention without having others in my face wanting me to poof my cheeks out so they can push the air out with their hands. It is annoying.
I am looking forward to my trip this weekend. As I mentioned we are going to Florida for a week. We will be in the Destin area, staying in the same condo building we stayed in last year. I am ready for a break.
I got my schedule problems worked out with my school. I start a new class on September 7. I have two scheduled for this fall and that will leave two for next spring. I am scheduled to take my comprehensive exam starting the morning of May 16. I will have seven days to complete the three question exam. It sounds pretty easy, but considering each question will require 15-20 pages of an answer, it is going to be very time consuming.
Since my last blog, we celebrated my daughters second birthday. It was great to be able to mark that milestone in her life. It was a Strawberry Shortcake party, which she refers to as Cake Cake. I love that girl!!!
Well, I am going to be stopping here. As I say every time, I am going to try to be a little better about blogging in the future. I was going to comment on the New Coney at Sonic, which is great, but I will save that for another day. That would just be in response to a friends blog. I will try to do better in the future. I realize it's been too long.
NOAH Jaguars Basketball 2025
5 days ago
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