I keep trying to tell myself that I need to take the time to blog and talk about stuff going on in my life. I think this week, I realized why I have such a hard time blogging on a regular basis. The only conclusion I have come up with is that I just have a hard time sharing. I am a very private person and share very few details of my life with most people. Although I don't think many people actually read my blog, it is hard for me to open up and talk about everything going on in my life. I find this to be especially true when I am having a rough time or things just aren't going as well as I hoped. My goal for this year is to work on that and do a better job of blogging. The other part of my problem is that I don't think my life is very interesting and don't feel like I have anything to say about it. How many people want to read about how much time I spend sitting at home watching TV. I have decided to make a list of things that I have done or are going on in my life and try to write about each of them. This way I can try to be a better blogger, even when I don't feel like writing anything.
I mentioned in a previous blog, I think, that I wanted to take a trip to Oklahoma this spring. We have been talking about it and my son really wants to go. Last week I had to give him the unfortunate news that we aren't going to be able to go anywhere during his spring break. Needless to say, he was very upset about this, as am I. So, what is the reason? My job.
Last August, my company asked those of us working on my project not to take vacation time through the end of the year as a way of booking as much revenue as possible and ending the year strong. We did that and had respectable revenue numbers to end the year. In January the restrictions on time off were loosened. People started planning time off. Last week, we were again asked not to take any time off between now and April 13. The goal is to book as much revenue and produce as many results for our customer. This past Friday, our client informed us that they would not be extending our contract beyond the current year, ending April 13.
We are now tasked with the difficult job of finding new jobs, preferably within the company, while working as much time as possible, up to 40 hours, on our client. So the job search is on, the current work is still on, but for March there will be no trip. This makes me sad, but I am still hopeful for summer.
NOAH Jaguars Basketball 2025
5 days ago