Yesterday I talked a little bit about shopping at Destin Commons. Below are a couple of pictures from one of the days we were there.
This is after going to Godiva

This was in one of the sunglasses stores. I know that is really obvious,
but you just never know. I would like to note here, that she did not get
that $250 pair of sunglasses. Although she really liked them and I think
she looks really cute in them!!

There are other things to do besides shop and look for dolphins (that I mentioned yesterday). This year we went back to one of the places that the kids enjoyed the most the last time we were in Destin. It is a miniature golf place that also has kiddie rides. Nathan and Reagan both love mini golf and Nathan is really getting good at it, for his age.
Before we started, the kids wanted to get their picture taken with this big gorilla.
Along the course, they found other statues to pose with. Nathan really loves elephants, and had to have a picture with this baby elephant. Reagan didn't want to be left out.

What would a golf course through the "Jungle" be without some fish?

Finally, what would mini golf be without someone getting upset? This actually made two people upset because she through a tantrum, but nobody takes pictures of Daddy when he is upset. She cleared her attitude up within a couple of holes, but those were some frustrating holes.

After mini golf, we decided to let the kids ride the kiddie rides. Both Nathan and Reagan remembered riding this train the last time and really wanted to ride it again. The enjoyed ringing the bell every time they circled by us.
The only other ride that they rode together was the carousel. It was hard getting them both to look at the camera at the same time, so this ended up being the best picture we could get.
After the carousel, Nathan and I rode the bumper boats. Reagan really wanted to ride this also, but she was too short. I was in charge of driving while Nathan sprayed the water. It was a little difficult at times to steer since the button to shoot the water is on the steering column. Nathan would tell me to turn the other direction as he pulled the steering column towards him. It was a blast.
While we rode the bumper boats, Reagan went and rode one of her favorite things. The swings. I can't watch her ride these, because they make me sick, so it was great that Sharon was able to take her while Nathan and I were busy.

One ride that Nathan rode that Reagan would not get on is the Ferris Wheel. She was going to ride, however when the operator told her she couldn't ride in the same car as Nathan she lost all interest.

After the kids had their fun, it was time for Daddy to have some fun. This fun still included the kids, but I was the driving force behind it. After all what would a trip to The Track be without a trip around the track. My parents went to Florida with us, so my dad got the privilege of driving the car that Reagan rode in.

While Nathan had the privilege of riding in my car. He also had the privilege of winning since he was in my car. We passed so many people and never let anyone pass us. It was so much fun!!!

After a long day of fun, there is only one thing left to do. That is eat. In Destin there are so many unique places to eat. We ate at most of them. One of the places we ate at is a restaurant named FudPuckers. The kids loved eating here, although Nathan's face may not show it. This picture is from the second time we at there. The first time it was pouring down rain and so pictures were not happening that day.

There were a couple of things Reagan liked about this restaurant, but the one thing we couldn't get her away from without a picture was this Indian. She was completely fascinated by it.

The main attraction for FudPuckers though is their "collection" of live alligators that you can feed. They claim to have over 50, although we never counted more than 30. Here is a picture of some.

Yes they are small. What did you expect? They are in a restaurant!! Along with feeding them, you can actually hold one and get you picture taken with them. We did not do this. They tape the mouth shut so you won't get bit, but Sharon doesn't care to get any closer to them than we were at the point in the picture above.
On the last full day we were in Destin, I woke Nathan for a special treat. He wasn't too excited to be woken up at 6:00 in the morning, but he came around. The treat was a guys only trip to a secluded beach to search for sea shells. He loved it!!! For the record, we brought back enough shells for Reagan, but since Reagan enjoyed the shopping more than Nathan, I wanted to do something special for him.
When we got to the beach, we were a little disappointed with the number of shells we were seeing. The picture below shows the number of shells we saw in one small area close to the entry point of the beach.

We didn't let this get us down. We walked and walked and walked for a long time down this empty beach. Finally, we found this:

These shells were all in a smaller space than the first picture and look at the number. We called this area the shell grave yard. It was a very large area that was a ways down the beach, but well worth the walk. We found all sorts of different shells of various shapes and colors. I haven't taken pictures of them, but if I remember I will try to do that and blog about them. The picture below is of Nathan picking up some shells here.

After almost an hour of looking in this one area, we decided it was about time to head back and get some breakfast. We had plenty of shells. The trip back was more fun for Nathan because he wasn't focused on finding shells so he just played in the water.

By the time we got back to the car, his feet were hurting because of being in the sand for over two hours, but he said he wouldn't change it for anything. The memories of that morning are priceless.
The last two evenings we were there, we decided to take pictures on the beach. When you leave the beach you have to wash the sand and salt off, so here is a picture of Reagan washing the sand off her feet.

This is a picture of the woman I love with me. I mentioned yesterday that she got some sun on her face and you can kind of see where her sunglasses were.

What would a family vacation be without a family picture. The lens was fogged up a little because of the humidity. We should have let the camera get acclimated before taking the pictures, but what fun would that have been?

The last picture is how I like to remember the vacation as a whole. I can't say it any better.